Hello Again

It's been over two months since my last post and in blogging world, that is a big no no. I mean anyone will tell you that consistency is the name of the game. I do owe you guys an apology and an explanation for this eexxtteennddeedd absence. If you are friends with me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter, then you would know that in December I spilt liquid in my laptop. Now what took me so long to get another laptop after being told by Apple that the repair is the same price as a new laptop was sheer indecisiveness. Do I fix my old computer that has seen me through so many projects or do I buy a brand new upgraded machine. Well it took me two months to make that decision in which I decided to purchase a new one. You wanted to see the look on my face when they brought out my laptop. Among a sea of MacBooks, mine looked familiar. It had developed a personality to me over the years which makes me think that I could pick her out of a lineup. Needless to say, it was a sad day. 

During these two months, it also got me thinking a lot about the goal I have for this blog. It was never up to the expectations I set for it from the beginning but I ignored that voice that haunts me needing everything to be perfect right away. Sometimes you just have to go with it I have learnt. That said, I am working on overhauling the blog within the next few weeks so I hope you guys like. I don't want to say too much more but I do have some surprises in the works so please keep visiting and sharing your comments to let me know what you want to see. And above all, thank you guys so much for visiting. We are not thousands yet but I appreciate so much your visits and kind comments both on the blog and your private messages. Keep 'em coming!

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